Builder Gel Clear (hard)

From 35,00 lei RON

Face parte din sistemul de gel trifazic. Este un gel de constructie, avand o vascozitate mare. Se modeleaza usor, fiind putin autonivelant. Nu curge astfel putand fi aplicat cu usurinta pe sablon realizand extensia. Datorita flexibilitatii acestui gel, se poate crea foarte usor curba “C” si are proprietatea de a nu se dilata dupa indepartarea sablonului sau a clemei. Este rezistent la socuri. Are protectie UV incat nu se ingalbeneste. Degaja foarte putina caldura in procesul de polimerizare. Se poate pili acesta dupa prelungirea pe sablon dupa ce a fost degresat cu Cleanser MIG. Perfect pentru constructie. Este pretabil atat pentru unghii scurte, de salon, cat si pentru forme sau lungimi extreme. Timp de uscare: lampa UV – 2 minute lampa LED – 30 secunde Made in EU! Instructiuni de folosire: Dupa ce ati pregatit patul unghial cu pila de granulatie 180/180 si ati indepartat praful foarte bine cu o perie, aplicati Nail Prep MIG pe toata suprafata apoi aplicati Primer Light MIG sau Primer Strong MIG doar pe unghia naturala lasand sa se usuce la aer max. 40 sec. Aplicati Base Gel MIG cu pensula 2. Pensula Gel dreapta nr.4 intr-un strat foarte subtire neatingand cuticula si cu miscari putin apasate si oscilante pe orizontala incat sa intre gelul de baza in toate rizurile create de pila, sigiland cu atentie constructia, uscati in lampa UV 2 min/ LED 30 sec. Dupa uscarea NU indepartati stratul lipicios ramas! Dupa fixarea sablonului, se prelungeste unghia cu gelul Clear Builder Hard folosind Pensula pentru Gel dreapta nr.4. Dupa uscarea gelului in lampa, aplicati un strat subtire de Make Up Gel Natural folosind Pensula Gel pentru prelungire pat unghial nr.4 pentru a acoperi imperfectiunile unghiei naturale. Se usuca in lampa, apoi cu gelul Clear Builder Gel (medium) se realizeaza apex-ul, iar dupa uscarea acestuia se strange cu menghina si se aplica clema pentru curba “C” si se introduce din nou mana in lampa pentru 2 minute. Apoi se degreseaza unghia cu Cleanser MIG si se pileste. Se sigileaza unghia cu Finish I sau Finish II in functie de tehnica french-ului folosita. *Aceste instructiuni au caracter informativ si sunt pentru persoanele pregatite profesional in meseria de Stilist Protezist de Unghii. Informatiile furnizate sunt valabile pentru produsele MIG Nails & Beauty si pot diferi de cele ale altor companii. Nu ne asumam raspunderea pentru utilizarea produselor in alt mod decat cel descris mai sus. It is a part of the tri-phasic gel system. It can be used both for enhancing the nail and for the apex because of its hard viscosity. It can be easily applied because it is self leveling and can be applied near the cuticle because slide due to its viscosity. It is also flexible which allows being pinched in order tu create the “C” curve. Resistant to mechanical shocks. Clear Builder Gel (hard) has UV protections which prevents yellowing and it emits a little heat while curing. Being very flexible, it is NOT recommended to file the nail enhancement after removing the nail form. Otherwise the apex of the sculpting nails it can be easily filed. It is perfect for sculpted nails, refill and tips nails technique, both for short nails and long, extreme shapes. Curing time: UV Lamp: 2 minutes LED Lamp 30 seconds Made in EU! Instructions: After filing the nail with the 180/180 grit file, remove the dust, apply Nail Prep MIG on all the nail’s surface, then apply Primer Light MIG or Primer Strong MIG only on the natural nail and let it dry for 40 seconds. Apply Base Gel MIG with no2. Flat Gel Brush in a very thin layer without touching the cuticle and cure it in the lamp UV 2 min/ LED 30 sec. After curing DO NOT remove the tacky layer! After fixing the nail form, enhance the nail with Clear Builder Gel (hard) using the no4. Flat Gel Brush, cure it in the lamp and the apply a layer of Make Up Gel using the no3. Pointed brush for cover gel in order to hide the imperfections of the natural nail. After curing the Make Up Gel in the lamp, using the Clear Builder Gel (medium) create the apex, cure it, then pinch it with the Nail Clamp and put on the Nail Clips. Cure it again for 2 minutes. After that Remove the tacky layer with Cleanser MIG and file the nail. Seal the nail with Finish I MIG or Finish II MIG depending on the technique that was used. * These instructions are informative and they are for professionally trained as Certified Gel Nail Technicians. All the information are valid for MIG Nails & Beauty products and it can be different from other brands. We do not take responsibilities for using the products in any other way that the one described above.