Color gel 91-118

From 35,00 lei RON

Geluri color cu o putere mare de acoperire si cu o vascozitate ideala (se poate aplica pe toate cele 5 unghii simultan si introducand doar o singura data in lampa), perfect atat pentru realizarea french-ului de interior cat si aplicat pe intreaga unghie. Acopera perfect chiar daca este aplicat intr-un singur strat. Timp de intarire: Lampa UV (36Watt): 2 minute/strat. Lampa CCFL+ LED: 30 secunde/strat Made in EU! Instructiuni de folosire Realizarea french-ului de interior: Dupa realizarea prelungirii patului unghial, folosind pensula (Nr.11) MIG Nails & Beauty 3/0 trasati linia french-ului cu gelul color in continuarea patului unghial, si uscati la lampa. Dupa care se continua cu gelul de modelare. Aplicarea culorii pe intreaga suprafata a unghei: Dupa ce ati finisat unghia construita din gel cu un buffer de granulatie 180/180 degresati cu Cleanser apoi folosind pensula limba de pisica (Nr.5) MIG Nails & Beauty 6 aplicati un start subtire de gel color pe toata suprafata unghei dinspre cuticula spre varf. Stratul trebuie aplicat uniform pe intreaga suprafata, pentru a obtine o culoare mai intensa puteti aplica un al doilea strat. Dupa uscare in lampa sigilati unghia cu un gel de finish cu strat lipicios. Atentie! Se recomanda amestecarea gelurilor colorate inainte de folosire. A nu se tine expuse la sursa de lumina naturala, raze UV sau caldura puternica. *Aceste instructiuni au caracter informativ si sunt pentru persoanele pregatite profesional in meseria de Stilist Protezist de Unghii. Informatiile furnizate sunt valabile pentru produsele MIG Nails & Beauty si pot diferi de cele ale altor companii. Nu ne asumam raspunderea pentru utilizarea produselor in alt mod decat cel descris mai sus. Gel Color (5ml) MIG Color Gels have a high covering power and an ideal viscosity (it can be applied on all 5 nails from one hand simultaneously and put the hand just one time in the lamp). It is perfect both for under the builder gel french. It can also be applied on the entire nail. The color gel covers perfectly even in one single layer. You can use it easily for gel painting (One-Stroke & Zhostovo), it can be used also with the Craquelure Efect for Nail Art Transfer Foil and you will have amazing results. Curing time: UV Lamp (36Watt): 2 minutes/layer CCFL+ LED Lamp: 30 seconds/layer Made in EU! Instructions: Realizing under builder gel french: After realizing the nail bed extension with cover gel using the (No.11) MIG Nails & Beauty 3/0 Brush, you must apply the color gel right near the nail bed extension and cure it in the lamp. After that use the builder gel as usual. Applying color gel on the entire surface of the nail: After filing the gel nails use a 180/180 buffer for a smooth surface and use the cleanser for removing any dust. Using the (No.5) MIG Nails & Beauty Oval Brush size 6 apply a thin layer of color gel on the nails starting from the cuticle towards the free edge of the nail. The gel must be applied uniformly on the entire surface of the nail. If you want to get a more intense color you can apply another layer of gel. After curing the gel in the lamp seal the nail with a Finish Gel that has a tacky layer. Attention! It is recommended mixing the gels before using. Do not keep the gels directly in the sun light, UV light or high heat. *These instructions are informative and they are for professionally trained as Certified Gel Nail Technicians. All the information are valid for MIG Nails & Beauty products and it can be different from other brands. We do not take responsibilities for using the products in any other way that the one described above.