Folie pentru nail art de o calitate deosebita folosita in design-ul unghiilor false
Dimensiune: 10cm x 25cm.
Recomandat a se utiliza cu gelul color MIG Nails & Beauty Back Tulip Craquelure Efect obtinandu-se o lipire de 100% pe model.
Made in EU!
Instructiuni de folosire
Dupa ce ati aplicat gelul color MIG Nails & Beauty Back Tulip Craquelure Efect si l-ati uscat la timpul optim aplicati prin tamponare ferma si fara tremuraturi (rapida) folia cu partea mata spre gel.
Sigilati unghia cu 2 straturi de finish pentru o rezistenta de pana la 8 saptamani.
Atentie! Se recomanda gasirea timpului optim al lampii dumneavoastra pentru uscarea gelului MIG Nails & Beauty Back Tulip Craquelure Efect . A nu se tine expuse la sursa de caldura puternica si sa fie pastrate in ambalajul original pentru o mai buna protectie la praf si grasimi.
*Aceste instructiuni au caracter informativ si sunt pentru persoanele pregatite profesional in meseria de Stilist Protezist de Unghii. Informatiile furnizate sunt valabile pentru produsele MIG Nails & Beauty si pot diferi de cele ale altor companii. Nu ne asumam raspunderea pentru utilizarea produselor in alt mod decat cel descris mai sus.
Nail Art Foil that has a high quality. It is used in gel and acryl nails design.
Dimensions: 10cm x25cm.
It is recommended that you use it with the color gel MIG Nails & Beauty Back Tulip Craquelure Effect for a 100% transfer on the design.
Made in EU!
After applying the color gel MIG Nails & Beauty Back Tulip Craquelure Effect realizing the desired design you must cure it in the lamp and then press strongly and firmly the foil with the mat side on the gel.
Seal the nail with 2 layers of Finish (Sealing) gel for the design to last up to 8 weeks.
Attention! It is recommended that you find the proper curing time for the MIG Nails & Beauty Back Tulip Craquelure Efect depending on your own lamp.
Do not keep in high heat and store it in the original package for a better protection against dust or grease.
* These instructions are informative and they are for professionally trained as Certified Gel Nail Technicians. All the information are valid for MIG Nails & Beauty products and it can be different from other brands. We do not take responsibilities for using the products in any other way that the one described above.
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